Webster County Public Library (Eupora)


445 West Fox Ave.
Eupora, MS 39744
Phone:  662-258-7515
Fax:  662-258-7519

The first known access to a public library in Webster County occurred during the WPA era, when a library was set up in one of the upstairs rooms of the courthouse in Walthall, MS.  Mrs. Lorene Baker was hired as the librarian for $42.00 a month, paid through the WPA project.  The library project was liquidated after 8 months, with the books being given to the local schools.

In 1966, the Eupora Jaycees began the process of organizing a library.  The Board of Alderman agreed to furnish the building and pay the utilities.  A room in the Community House was designated for the library.  Members of the Library Board were Dr. David L. Sneed, Rev. Youngblood, Mrs. Billy Phillips, Mr. Jimmy McCain, Pete Fortner, Jr., and Mr. C.C. Bobo.  Mrs. Sue C. Parker was hired as the librarian.  Tombigbee Regional gave assistance in setting up the library.   Dedication for the library was held in 1968.

The Webster County Libraries were added to the Tombigbee Regional Library System in 1970 with bookmobile service to  Mathiston and county patrons.  In 1975, with local funds from Webster County and the Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) through the Mississippi Library Commission, the Webster County Public Library was built in Eupora with 3,844 square feet  and a 440 sq.ft meeting room.  In 2008, the library was completely renovated with Webster County and Mississippi Capitol Improvement funds.

Librarians after Mrs. Parker were Mrs. Glenda Morrow, hired in 1973, Mrs. Kathleen Bryant in 2000, followed by Mrs. Dot McCorkle in 2004.  After Dot McCorkle retired in 2011, Mrs. Fran Smith became the librarian.

Webster County Public Library
Hours of Operation

Monday 10:00–5:00
Tuesday 10:00–4:00
Wednesday 10:00–5:00
Thursday 12:00-6:00
Saturday CLOSED

Webster County Library

Laura McFarland, Branch Librarian




